Elaine Chasse

Since 2012, Elaine has been supporting other early educators through training, mentoring, and, most recently, Practiced Based Coaching. Over the 29 years of successfully operating a quality program, she grew passionate about supporting young children's social and emotional development and enjoyed bringing what she learned to others in the field.  She is in her second year of participation in the Coach PD project with September Garety of the Gerety Education Team. She is a Snelling Center Early Childhood Leadership Institute (ECLI) graduate. ECLI is a unique leadership and transformative institute designed to stimulate enthusiasm for effective participation in efforts to improve early childhood in Vermont. She owned and operated Learning Adventure, a successful early childhood preschool and after school program in Grand Isle, for 29 years. As a business owner and preschool teacher, she brought her program to a 5 Star rating in Vermont’s Step Ahead Recognition System (STARS). She maintained that quality rating and mentored the same small staff of five women for more than fourteen years. As a team, they dedicated themselves to operating at high standards and continuously improving their services to families at all socioeconomic levels.